Chip 1997 March
CHIP Mart 1997.iso
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Text File
313 lines
_ # First character specifies delimeter
# Copyright 1986-1994 Paul Andrews & Ground Support
#│ \SURFCAM\surf51 SURFCAM Version 5.1 for Windows English ║
#│ POST.DEF Post Menu and Message File 10/28/94 ║
# From V1 and Va:
1000 POSTFORM ERROR: INDEX sequence required in (_)
1500 POSTFORM ERROR: "logic operator" (_) incorrect.
# From V2:
2000 ERROR: Checking incremental value of (_)
2005 ERROR: Formating a number for address (_), is too large
2015 POSTFORM ERROR: Letter address "_" has not been formatted
2020 Enter the program number, letter address not required:_1
2025 LIMIT ERROR: The value (_) exceeds the specified range (_) to (_)
2030 LIMIT ERROR: Machining to deep for 4 axis work
2035 INTERNAL ERROR: Pulling too many tool motion records
2040 Contact
2045 INTERNAL ERROR: Stacking too many tool motion records
2050 INTERNAL ERROR: End of TM file found
2080 POSTFORM ERROR: The letter address above was not specified
2085 Since last HOME position, all (_) values add up to
2090 All (_) values add up to
2095 INTERNAL ERROR: DoCycle not called with proper sequence
2096 INTERNAL ERROR: SetRecVars called with improper SeqType
2097 INTERNAL ERROR: ForceLetterOnly not called with Letter value
# Date Delimter:
2098 /
# Time Delimter:
2099 .
2100 ERROR: CDC cannot be calculated on an included angle of zero
2105 ERROR: Missing sub number (_)
# From V3:
3000 POSTFORM ERROR: Incorrect syntax specified
3005 in the (_) file
3010 POSTFORM ERROR: Incorrect syntax specified
3015 , at Line# (_)
3020 Edit the (_) file_
3050 Press any key to exit
3055 Type E to edit _ - any other key for the system menu
3060 INTERNAL ERROR: Reading past the end of the POSTFORM file
3063 INTERNAL ERROR: Reading past the end of the APT file
3065 Finding the format for machine # (_)
# 10/27/93 Line 3070 was updated.
3070 RUNTIME ERROR: Missing machine # (_) in your _ file
3075 trying to format block for unrecognized word: (_)
3080 Unrecofnized variable format
3085 Unrecognized tech. reference: "_"
3090 POSTFORM ERROR: Column number is incorrect for letter (_)
3095 POSTFORM ERROR: Column number is incorerct for letter (_)
3100 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing number of spaces for letter: (_) Either
3105 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing the number of spaces after the S
3110 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing the number of places before the decimal for the letter address (_)
3115 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing the number of decimal places for the letter address (_)
3120 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing the output character for the letter (_)
3125 POSTFORM ERROR: Illegal letter address (_)
3130 POSTFORM ERROR: Column # and/or space # for letter address (_) will exceed line length
3135 Column # can be 0 for letter address (_) only if there is no output letter
3140 Incorrect machine number
# 10/27/93 Line 3143 was added.
3143 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing NAME command(s) in the (_) file
3145 Specify the machine tool or post processor by number
3150 or enter 0 to abort
3155 POSTFORM ERROR: Too many words in (_) cycle, only (_) words allowed per line
3158 POSTFORM ERROR: RotaryFeed must be in a standard word format (e.g. "F<InvTime>").
3160 POSTFORM ERROR: Letter address _ has not been formatted
3165 POSTFORM ERROR: The variable <SubLine> can not be used with RENUMSUBS? Y or SUB1ST? N
3170 Minimum and maximum rotary limits must be at least 360 degrees
3175 SYNTAX ERROR: Line (_)
3180 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing an ending quote in (_) line
3190 POSTFORM ERROR: Maximum line length is (_)
3195 POSTFORM ERROR: X, Y or Z is required in the INDEX command to specify the rotary axis
3197 POSTFORM ERROR: Only Y or X can be specified if the INDEX is about the Z axis
# 12/7/93
3198 POSTFORM ERROR: Maximum of (_) UPONREC sequences
3202 POSTFORM ERROR: Set can only be specified in an UPON sequence
3205 POSTFORM ERROR: Maximum of (_) lines for all sequences
3210 POSTFORM ERROR: The initial lines for the _ cycle is (_)
3215 and exceeds the sequence total of (_)
3218 POSTFORM ERROR: Maximum of (_) REPLACE commands
3220 POSTFORM ERROR: Illegal quotes in the search phrase used in the REPLACE command
3225 POSTFORM ERROR: WITH misspelled or missing in the REPLACE command
3230 POSTFORM ERROR: Illegal quotes in the replace phrase used in the REPLACE command
3235 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing the END command in the (_) sequence
3240 POSTFORM ERROR: Unrecognized command: (_)
3245 POSTFORM ERROR: The INC/ABS command is specified INC/ABS G 91 90
3250 POSTFORM ERROR: Maximum of (_) LCompAdd values
3255 POSTFORM ERROR: Unrecognized REVSIGNS command
3260 INC Ver _ Reading: >_<.
3265 POSTFORM ERROR: Letter address (_) is specified more than once
3270 POSTFORM ERROR: You can have only _ IF statements.
3272 POSTFORM ERROR: "IF" logic operator (<, >, <>, <=, >= or =) is incorrect.
# 03/01/94 The following line was deleted.
# 3270 POSTFORM ERROR: ASK specifies the same variable more than once
# 03/01/94 The following line updated.
# 3275 POSTFORM ERROR: ASK must specifiy one <Val1> through <Val10> variable
3275 POSTFORM ERROR: Maximum of (_) ASK commands
3280 POSTFORM ERROR: Maximum of (_) DCompAdd values
3285 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing SubStart, SubEnd, and SubCall sequences
# From V4:
4000 POSSIBLE ERROR: _ and the letter address (_) may have problems
4002 POSTFORM ERROR: TOLERANCE specified is too small
# 01/05/94 Line moved from 5122.
4003 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing a WORK G command in the _ file
4004 POSTFORM ERROR: Number to be rounded is too large
4005 found after CW or CCW
4010 Merging main program and subprograms
4012 There is a "0 length" arc in the tool motion file.
4020 ERROR: Erasing file
# From M:
5000 Prompt for tool lengths?
5005 Unrecognized tool number in your tools file
5010 Unrecognized tool length number in your tools file
5015 INC Records: 1
5025 Reading the INC file, please wait
5030 Enter tool length offset value for tool #
5035 Missing tool # _
5040 Maximum number of pilot holes (_)
5045 Auto-sub? _N
5050 Enter the spindle speed for the pilot holes:_1200
5055 Enter the feed rate for the pilot holes:_4
5060 Enter the peck increment for the pilot holes:_.25
5065 Turn coolant on for the pilot drilling cycles?_Y
5070 Turn coolant on for the pilot drilling cycles? (Y)
5075 Writing NCC file, ESC to abort, any other key to pause
5080 Paused, Press any key to continue
5085 Missing a CLEARance value. If you choose to continue,
5090 Z+0.1 will be used for rapids coming down and Z+0.5 for lateral rapids.
5095 Cycle followed by (_)
5100 POSTFORM ERROR: Only _ DCompAdd values are specified
5105 POSTFORM ERROR: INC/ABS command must be specified in the POSTFORM file
5110 Example: Inc/Abs G 91 90
5112 ERROR: INC file has a turret # higher than 2.
5115 POSTFORM ERROR: Maximum of (_) LCompAdd values
5120 POSTFORM ERROR: Missing end of Sub # (_)
# 10/20/93 The following line was deleted.
# 5125 Reading machine format of "_. Please wait
5130 Rev. _. Reading Format for machine: >_<
5135 Read Format OK
5140 program to be processed: _
5145 Total INC records: _
5150 Processing, INC records to go: _. Please wait
5155 All _ values add up to
5160 All _ values add up to
5165 All _ and _ values add up to _ and _, respectively
5170 The NC program is finished
5175 Closing NCC file
# From VB:
6002 ERROR:
6004 Press any key to continue, ESC to abort
6005 Unable to continue posting
6010 Edit the file and repost
6015 INC ERROR: Record # (_)
6020 Press any key to exit
# 11/9/93 Line added.
6023 Unrecognized first word
6024 Press any key to continue or
6025 A
6030 (A to abort)
6035 : Error #
6040 OS ERROR: File not found
6045 OS ERROR: Path not found
6050 OS ERROR: Too many open files
6055 OS ERROR: File access denied
6060 OS ERROR: Invalid file handle
6065 OS ERROR: Invalid drive specifier
6070 OS ERROR: Disk read error
6075 OS ERROR: File has not yet been assigned
6080 OS ERROR: File is not opened for use
6085 OS ERROR: File is not open for input
6090 OS ERROR: File is not open for output
6095 OS ERROR: I can't read a numeric value in this file
6100 OS ERROR: The disk is write-protected
6105 OS ERROR: Unknown unit
6110 OS ERROR: Floppy disk drive door is open
6115 OS ERROR: Unknown command
6120 OS ERROR: CRC error in data
6125 OS ERROR: Disk seek error
6130 OS ERROR: Unknown media type
6135 OS ERROR: Sector not found
6140 OS ERROR: Write fault
6145 OS ERROR: Read fault
6150 OS ERROR: Hardware failure
6155 OS ERROR: Input or output error # _
6160 Press any key to continue
6165 Post-Processor (NC program generator) rev. _
6170 Copyright 1989-1992 Paul Andrews & Ground Support
6175 Enter for "_"_(or a single space to abort), or
6180 OS ERROR: Improper file name; try again
6185 Opening
6190 Successfully opened
6195 OS ERROR: File already exists
6200 Overwrite, aPpend, Re-enter name, or Abort? _OPRA
6205 Overwrite, Re-enter name, or Abort? _ORA
6210 Press a key to continue
6215 Enter a single SPACE to abort,
6217 or
6220 Press SPACE to abort, or
6225 Enter number of fixtures?_4
6230 Enter first fixture or work offset number?
6235 Reverse the order of fixtures on every other tool?_Y
6240 Have you used a "COPY" to for 2 different part orientations?_N
# 01/05/94 Changed, used in V4 as well.
6245 Enter work offset number:
6250 Enter _ value for tool change:_0
6255 Now, enter the _ value for tool change:_0
6260 Enter the _ value for tool change?_5
6265 Enter the maximum RPM you would like?_3000
6270 Enter tool center Y value which represents A0?
6275 Enter tool center Y value which represents B0?
6280 Enter tool center Z value represents C0?
6285 Enter the wrapping diameter of the workpiece?
6290 Enter _ value for work position block:_0
6295 Now, enter the _ value for work position block:_0
6300 Now, enter the _ value for work position block:_0
6305 Enter _ value for final position:_1.1
6310 Now, enter the _ value for final position:_4.4
6315 Stacking too many tool motion records.
6320 Your "_" file is messed up (at line #
6325 Review NC Code Formats in the index of the reference manual for help
6330 (Press a key to continue)
6332 Enter name of _ file:
6335 Enter the name of file to store your NC program:
# From VI:
7000 ERROR: Normalizing vector
7005 OS ERROR: INC file is empty
# Delimiter for address header:
7010 ,
7012 ERROR: Using Milling INC file with the Lathe post is not supported.
7014 ERROR: Using Lathe INC file with the Milling post is not supported.
7015 ERROR: Machining CView is parallel to Rotary axis.
7020 ERROR: Tool shaft is parallel to Rotary axis.
7025 POSTFORM ERROR: The rotary axis LIMITs ( _ ) total less than 360. (Check PostForm)
#┌─────────────────────────── POST.DEF Updates ────────────────────────────╖
#│ Date Line Description ║
#│ 01/06/93 1000 Added ║
#│ 6215 Added ║
#│ 6217 Added ║
#│ 6332 Added ║
#│ 3240 Changed, removed leading "_" ║
#│ ║
#│ 02/22/94 2097 Added ║
#│ 2098 Added ║
#│ 2102 Added ║
#│ 7010 Added for "Header comment" delimiters ║
#│ ║
#│ 03/01/94 3270 Deleted ║
#│ 3275 Changed ║
#│ ║
#│ 03/03/94 6230 Deleted "_54" at the end of the prompt ║
#│ 06/29/94 3158 Added
#│ 09/21/94 7015 Added
#│ 7020 Added
#│ 7025 Added
#│ 10/1/94 7012 Added
#│ 7014 Added
#│ 10/15/94 5112 Added
#│ 10/17/94 1500 Added
#│ 3270 Added
#│ 3272 Added
#│ 4012 Added